Show me your Calluses - Nov. 30, 2020
true lovers of God fully prostrate knees chest arms and face on grimy tile filthy carpet leaf litter even rough gravel to slather...
true lovers of God fully prostrate knees chest arms and face on grimy tile filthy carpet leaf litter even rough gravel to slather...
your soul is like a horse that tires of the well-worn path to the trough the same dry oats and brittle straw the smell and gloom of a...
pull and drip pull and drip pull and drip a golden smudge spreads across an arc of indigo sky the sun yellows the church tower chases...
fireworks shower the darkened country neither the fearful dogs nor the departed need watch nor the locked-down living why? to celebrate...
I study light in my off hours of course I am an ignorant physicist or at best a nosy intern but it appears that luminescence when pressed...
this universe is the gathering place of a zillion bits of light getting to know each other so be on the lookout for partial rainbows who...
love is a willing volunteer though not so interested in the spatial sense of folding clothes and blankets packing water and food onto a...
it happened today while playing with a puppy something inside kicked over an old attic box of young me and some delirious joy spilled...
her chocolate cheek quivers like the dying strings on a guitar as it pulls away from mine the curl of three fingers covers her mouth eyes...
a grueling day’s work from the closed mouths of ants groans with every step
tonight could be the night my tongue gets lucky books a corner booth nicely candled and a window with a view to the starry borders of a...
most call it a tennis ball but to some players it’s someone to blame
without passion you count the white hairs as they appear on your head while chained to a mirror with only the cold soup of memories for...
I watch you approach the cold mist that precedes your weighted clouds lays goose-bumps on my skin what makes us both jump like strangers...
tanka* seems most winter’s bleed a scab spring toils to remove she tugs while we wait
in the dead of night words annoy both the silence and the fearless moon in one lone coyote’s eyes a pair of full fearless moons *a...
she said no other words no tears no hot fire gratitude just some small waves lapping to the shore of her two blue sparkling eyes
those cloudy mornings when the sun plays hide and seek I always quit first
most everyone I know stands mentally thick in front of the morning mirror converts into a critic by 10 gets cranky and dragging by 4...