The Better Dessert - June 5, 2020Gary Hunterimagineyour after-dinnerbelly plump with warm cherry pie lounging in vanilla ice cream and the evening’s talk the better dessert
imagineyour after-dinnerbelly plump with warm cherry pie lounging in vanilla ice cream and the evening’s talk the better dessert
After my philosopher days - June 30, 2020when it’s all over will I return to the stream from where I came not in fin or web-toed nor sharp clawed from above or below without flash...
Four Months LaterMaybe I’ve just been feeling the weather unable to escape the relentless searing sun but you brought me upright when your voice threw me...
Water's Passion - June 28, 2020if not to hydrate parched bodies or find a leak in the roofs of miserable souls then to pour and pour and pour over a crazy world slow...