Gary HunterTo Splice a Life - June 7, 2021sometimes I wishI could rewind it all the way back to 10th grade or earlier modify my pursuitsmy look the fights losses fears thestupid spoken wordsbut honestly what I’d most like to have changed my silence
sometimes I wishI could rewind it all the way back to 10th grade or earlier modify my pursuitsmy look the fights losses fears thestupid spoken wordsbut honestly what I’d most like to have changed my silence
Stuck - June 30, 2021up all night writing because I wanted some sparkling revelation to offer this morning but words failed and I have nothing to show but the...
The Ache of Truth - June 29, 2021truth aches when an overread book is continually misunderstood or when a love that needs to shout is left to linger unspoken on lips
Language is the Witness - June 28, 2021to this swirling existence we write about so why not dabble in the dialect and points of view? use solitary clouds and footprints fresh...