Fire Speaks - Feb. 28, 2022
I love the stories a good fire tells the animated exaggerated far-fetched spoken with wide tongues of flame pops and snaps for side...
I love the stories a good fire tells the animated exaggerated far-fetched spoken with wide tongues of flame pops and snaps for side...
I paint the bitter coating over my keratin carefully on the vulnerable spots in sunlight the tips of my fingers like the barrels of ten...
with virtues beyond words and forgiveness guaranteed more intimate than breath unfailingly loving and loyal How do you spell your best...
life on the vine always reaches a choice at ripeness stay and shrivel or mingle your juice isolate or make friends go raisin or wine I...
I pray the day never comes when we treat the earth like horses fighting over the last carrot
it seems to me that my left eye sheds sad tears and my right happy ones though both support each other if either asks for help and as I...
with nose symptoms consistent as sap tapped from a spring maple I push away the Kleenex and unfold a handkerchief senior move?...
I twist my bad back during a lung-lunging Covid cough between sneezes and handkerchief bellows take some time to lick salty sauce off the...
thirty years later maybe twenty-five late I phone an old lover and my heart worm starts to squirm again buried for so many years how...
Reading a poem out loud feels odd like dancing with varying degrees of clothing in front people you don’t even know Then again how...
I eyed a fish in the water and it ignored me looked up and the sky never shared a smile some birds were singing but not for me the grass...
his black goldfish that ebony sliver that fins between the purple taro like a shadow devouring light or a shadow bridging shadows or a...
we look for the rose and thorns greet us first hope for a beach day and rain wins the bet still we should never stay inside with...
a sky so blue it looks lonely a sun so bright how to approach it a tree so tall a growth unimagined I’m quite sure if you go outside all...
well actually I pick curios off the surface of consciousness while he dips for bugs through the pond’s glass a poet and a flycatcher...
all advice is swung at and missed referrals are smacked out-of-bounds questions never even cross the net she smashes her racket after...
is never perfectly still the endless bubbles of thought constant stir of emotions dreams that play and ride the waves but like a pond...
wrinkled faces with poor penmanship the library lady who adores words Santa’s needier children obligators and sighers those who trade...
and a foreman for long-term construction complete with all its unseen ups and downs cost overruns strikes and labor shortages this...
you’ve made it clear that poetry is easier on the eyes with the dribble of sweet juice down the chin interpretation is smoother rhythm...