Life after Earth - Sept. 15, 2020Gary Hunterwho knows what we becomeafter leaving here but I'll bet we won't laugh as hard love as breathlessly forgive so awkwardly or weep as deeply as we do now
who knows what we becomeafter leaving here but I'll bet we won't laugh as hard love as breathlessly forgive so awkwardly or weep as deeply as we do now
Sad for other Reasons - Sept. 30, 2020like doll plastic the face shines eyes sealed the body posture is not sleep fully clothed it lies at attention in the perfect...
The Sleepwalker - Sept. 29, 2020no such thing as a botched attempt to love its splendor is its awkwardness its stock rises with a stumble it rattles the consciousness of...
Intentions of a Tourist - Sept. 28, 2020I can almost see your soft spots we all have them like a newborn’s but no longer physical hidden on your infant body of emotion...