Never Could Describe - May 30, 2022Gary Hunterthe birth colorsof mesquite leavesor baby’s skinsomething with thetint of innocencein the scheme of emergencetranslucent spiritnot a shade darker
the birth colorsof mesquite leavesor baby’s skinsomething with thetint of innocencein the scheme of emergencetranslucent spiritnot a shade darker
Body Language - May 31, 2022with a mere glance leaves tell you how they feel I’d like to learn the finer points of body language something more than just the “Hi” of...
5 haiku - May 29, 2022it rained late last night leaves cleaned green and dripping wet a dog shakes itself the pen’s side of life same struggle for survival...
If, then after, It Rains - May 28, 2022where I live thunderstorms usually arrive to a mountain’s detour where clouds are spun into a collar that wraps the throat of the valley...