Gary HunterWeavers of Spring - April 3, 2022everywhere birdswith beaked needlesgather twigs threadsand spider websand accessorize with a luck of foil a blessing of string a shred of paperlike todaywhen I sawa crow's mansionnamed“Wrigley’s”
everywhere birdswith beaked needlesgather twigs threadsand spider websand accessorize with a luck of foil a blessing of string a shred of paperlike todaywhen I sawa crow's mansionnamed“Wrigley’s”
Melon-choly - April 30, 2022can’t remember how I became the family’s melon-cutter the one-handed wash and dry of a cannon ball is no easy trick nor is sawing through...
Jeez George, Lighten Up! April 29, 2022Why the sly look Mr. Washington on your dollar bill? even the flash of a single tooth might say Yeah, man! and Abe Really? that...
Red Puddles - April 28, 2022who isn’t in a fight with one thing or another battling weight struggling for money in the crossfire of an argument how about those...